Based in the Chicago area, Awana is the only organization with fully integrated evangelism and discipleship programs for ages 2 to 18 that actively involve parents, church leaders and mentors. Each week, more than 2 million children and youth, 400,000 volunteers and 127 field staff take part in Awana in over 27,000 churches in the U.S. and internationally Awana works with churches from 100 different denominations. It began as a children's program at the North Side Gospel Center in Chicago in 1941. Lance Latham, North Side's senior pastor, collaborated with the church's youth director, Art Rorheim, to develop weekly clubs that would appeal to churched and non-churched kids, lead them to trust Christ for salvation and grow them in enduring faith and service to God.
Other churches learned about the success of the program and inquired about its availability. In 1950, Latham and Rorheim founded Awana as a parachurch organization. By 1960, 900 churches had started Awana programs. By 1972 Awana had begun its first international club. Today children and youth in more than 100 countries participate in Awana programs, and millions of adults are alumni.
The founders of Awana derived the Awana name from the first letters of "Approved workmen are not ashamed" as taken from 2 Timothy 2:15 of the Bible. Today, more than 11,500 U.S. churches run Awana with programs in all 50 states. Awana can also be found in more than 16,000 churches, schools and orphanages in 100 other countries
Other churches learned about the success of the program and inquired about its availability. In 1950, Latham and Rorheim founded Awana as a parachurch organization. By 1960, 900 churches had started Awana programs. By 1972 Awana had begun its first international club. Today children and youth in more than 100 countries participate in Awana programs, and millions of adults are alumni.
The founders of Awana derived the Awana name from the first letters of "Approved workmen are not ashamed" as taken from 2 Timothy 2:15 of the Bible. Today, more than 11,500 U.S. churches run Awana with programs in all 50 states. Awana can also be found in more than 16,000 churches, schools and orphanages in 100 other countries
How our Awana Club Works
Our Cubbies program is self contained in our Pre-K classrooms and follows a schedule including time to study their handbooks and learn Bible verses, play games, sing songs and hear a Bible lesson. The Sparks and T&T Clubs share in an opening ceremony followed by three rotations consisting of Small Group Time, Large Group Time and Game Time. Small Group Time is where children are diviede up into small classes based on their grade or club level. During this time, they recite the memory verses they have been studying over the week to earn rewards. In Game Time, they play age appropriate games and earn points for their team. They learn teamwork and good sportsmanship while having fun. At Large Group Time, they are taught lessons that show how the Bible and it’s messages are relevant to their lives today, and how having Jesus Christ as their personal savior is the best decision they will ever make. At the end of the night, there is a time of recognition for each of the clubbers who have completed sections in their book and earned awards. Our Trek Club is merged with our Youth Fellowship and Bible Study. The Middle School children participating in the Trek program will have a time set apart for discussions and studying of God’s word through the Trek Handbooks before joining with the rest of VBBBC’s youth Bible Studies and fellowship led by Pastor Neil Johnston. |
Club Expectations
We want Awana Club to be a positive and fun experience for all the children who attend. We expect our clubbers to respect each other as well as the leaders and to follow instructions at all times. We ask that they arrive on time, prepared, with their vest or club shirt on and Bible and handbook ready. We expect all clubbers to participate in all activities unless a medical or physical limitation prohibits it. The Awana Club is based on teaching children Bible verses that they memorize to have in their heart for the rest of their life. This takes more than the 2 hours we have with them each week. Parents should work with their child during the week to help them memorize their verses to be prepared to recite them to their small group leader. Once they recite their memory verse and answer any of the handbook questions directly to one of our Awana trained leaders, they will have that section signed off. In order for a clubber to have a section signed off by their leader, they must answer any questions and recite the required verses “word perfect” in one sitting with no more than 2 “helps”. Parents should set goals with their children and encourage them to complete their handbook each year. Our small group and club leaders look forward each week to working with and encouraging your child to do well in our program and to grow in Christ throughout the year. They need your help by having your child ready to participate in our Awana Club with a positive attitude. Children need to be signed in each night at the table in the main foyer. They will be given a numbered wristband to wear for the night, and the parent/guardian will be given a matching ID band. After club, parents will pick up their children from their small group leaders. Children are not allowed to leave the building without a parent or guardian having the matching band. If someone different will be picking up your child, they will need to get the parent ID band from you. |
What we believe
Our Values We will glorify God and serve the body of Christ by committing ourselves to these values. We proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ with clarity and urgency, We commit to God’s Word as our guide and standard. We treat all people as created and loved by God. We maintain a servant heart in all we do. We manage God’s resources with faithfulness and integrity. We pursue excellence as unto the Lord. Our Prayer That all children and youth throughout the world will come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ Our Vision To be a strategic partner with churches and ministries in a global effort to ensure the opportunity for all children and youth to be evangelized and discipled in Christ Our Mission To work with our ministry partners in creating and disseminating integrated programs, tools and training that equip leaders to evangelize and disciple children and youth for Christ Strategic Objectives Enduring Ministry Balancing urgency of ministry need with stewardship to ensure long term sustainability and impact Integrated Programs Creating interconnected biblical programs that engage children, youth and families throughout their spiritual development Service Excellence Excelling in personal expertise, support and service Ministry Partnerships Developing relationships that maximize the impact of the local church around the world Christ-Like Leadership Preparing generations of ministry leaders to passionately and faithfully serve Jesus Christ |
Virginia Beach Beacon Baptist Church
2301 Newstead Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23454 757-430-0798 [email protected] Sunday Schedule 9:00-9:45am - Small Groups 9:45-10:15am - Donut Fellowship 10:15am - Worship Service |